Friday, November 09, 2007

Random Media Intake

So I love to interact with different kinds of media. From TV to movies to radio podcasts to random articles on the Internet to sermons. It is pretty random sometimes. I figure I will start posting what I am listening to and some brief thoughts about the media.

Last night, I watched Scrubs on NBC. The show's main theme was that JD needed to grow up and start acting like an adult. He said something like 'I used to always think that you grew up by just getting older, but know I realize that it is a conscious decision and takes work.' I have often thought this exact thought and agree with this comment. So what does it mean to 'grow up?' I still don't know the answer to that question, but a big part of it seems to be not complaining about your life all the time and just doing what has to be done. There are countless things that must be done in life that aren't fun and exiting, but just have to be done. A child will refuse to do these things and instead go do some things which is fun. An adult just does what needs to happen without complaining. Just some thoughts.

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